About the company
Get to know us.
Who we are
A group of goal driven, like minded people and bottomless cups of coffee, that kept us working throughout the night to build a company with a strong idea. We strived to build a brand that will contribute to the world with useful products that empower people and make their lives easier. We strive to achieve this everyday.
What We Offer
Around the world, trading is a trusted and sustainable path to building long-lasting wealth. But unfortunately, in Africa, trading is making the majority poorer because they are limited to local capital markets that are volatile and currency returns that are negatively-adjusted by inflation and devaluation. Worst still, most Africans are not investing because they don‘t know how to trade or what to trade in.
We have solved for that and built an online brokerage service that give Africans real-time access to trading options. We have spent a few years building a completely frictionless, insights-driven, and unrestricted investing experience for everyone irrespective of your geographical location, income level or financial education.
Our Mission
We strive to be exemplary corporate citizens, minimize our environmental impacts, and maximize beneficial outcomes for our customers and stakeholders.
years of experience
resolved all kinds of questions and inquiries